Prioritisation of micro-catchments based on morphology
Two multicriterion decision-making methods, namely ‘compromise programming' and the ‘technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution' are employed to prioritise 22 micro-catchments (A1 to A22) of Kherthal catchment, Rajasthan, India and comparative analysis is performed using the compound parameter approach. Seven criteria – drainage density, bifurcation ratio, stream frequency, form factor, elongation ratio, circulatory ratio and texture ratio – are chosen for the evaluation. The entropy method is employed to estimate weights or relative importance of the criterion which ultimately affects the ranking pattern or prioritisation of micro-catchments. Spearman rank correlation coefficients are estimated to measure the extent to which the ranks obtained are correlated. Based on the average ranking approach supported by sensitivity analysis, micro-catchments A6, A10, A3 are preferred (owing to their low ranking) for further improvements with suitable conservation and management practices, and other micro-catchments can be processed accordingly at a later phase on a priority basis. It is concluded that the present approach can be explored for other similar situations with appropriate modifications.
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