The base resistance of non-displacement piles in sand. Part I: field tests
This paper presents the results of full-scale load tests performed to investigate the end bearing pressure mobilised by continuous flight auger piles installed in sand. In particular, the tests considered the effects of the footing width and, by varying the load test procedure (from maintained load test to constant rate of penetration), allowed quantification of creep effects. By comparing the load test results with in situ test results from cone penetration tests, correlations between the end bearing pressure mobilised at normalised settlement levels of 10% of the footing width and the cone penetration test qc value were studied. For the maintained load tests, these correlations were found to be similar to those used in routine design practice. When creep effects were reduced using constant rate of penetration load testing, the end bearing pressure mobilised was significantly higher than that assumed in normal practice, and it was in keeping with the results of finite-element analyses performed using a soil model that ignored creep. In the final section, the field test results are compared to database pile load tests performed on non-displacement piles in sand.
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